Monday, November 24, 2008 12:36 AM

NooooOoot Dead :D


Everybody go find her! She working at Simei eastpoint!!


- ahengggggggg

Friday, November 14, 2008 11:44 AM



Thursday, November 13, 2008 8:36 PM

Does This Pic Look Fimilar?

It Is the Class Siting Arrangement

Monday, November 10, 2008 9:02 PM

HEY GUYS, you can ignore the below words. it's for Mr.Ng. (:


In life, there definitely are happiness and sorrow, together and separation. We can’t expect perfection in everything. As years pass by, many things happened, some things slowly slipped off my mind, but never will be that…I happened to came across that dirty piece of paper, it was the duty roster for the fund raising this year. Still remembering the efforts and sweats that we fork in, it was all worth it…

It all started by thinking of what we could do for CIP this year. I was thinking, if this year we could do something that’s out of what we been doing for the years. And in the moment of strike, I thought of going to help the needy people. I brought the idea out to the class. The class together all agreed to the idea.

We invited the people from the HOC hospice to give us some details about the organization. They briefed us and showed us some of the true stories video. It practically touched the class. It makes every single one of us even more determined to help the needy.

The class committee went over to the place to have a look at how the place was liked. The place was small. But yet, it was well decorated, no construction was needed. At that moment, I knew I have to disappoint the class. The place was too small to fit inside a class of 40 pupils. I went back and let the bad news out. The sunshine smile on each and everyone’s face went off. They were all disappointed.

After long hours of brainstorming, I thought that half of the class could do fund raising while the other half, they could go to the hospice to entertain the patients. The idea was supported by the class.

We went forward for the fund raising. It started not easy as it was the first time that we are doing such project. After much meetings and discussions with our home teachers and the class committee, we decided of what to sell and the prices of it. As to ensure that the profit will meet our target, we have to keep the capital low. The brainstorming of what to sell really made a big headache for the team. Many things were required hands on. The cooperation from the class helped the team a lot.

Some of them helped with the designing of the posters. While some helped with the setting up of the duty roaster. After things were decided, the project of fund raising went forward. The first day of selling was great. There was a shortage of stocks. We immediately in stock more stocks. And on that day, we hurried does the hands on. Everyone was busy till night.

Soon, everything ends. After knowing that we have reached the target, everyone was overjoyed! Our efforts and the sweats that put in didn’t pay off. Thinking now of the past, thinking back of the time, I am glad that in life I have such a wonderful experience.

In life, what we have now may not be what we will be having in future. But what we are having now, it’s definitely from the efforts and sweats of the old people now. There is an idiom in Chinese- 饮水思源. This means that we should never forget one’s happiness comes from.



enjoy your holidays! (:

Friday, November 7, 2008 2:24 PM

POA book has been change!
The publisher is Pearson Not Marsall Cavendish!
gotten this information from the school.

1:05 AM


Thursday, November 6, 2008 9:10 PM

Enjoy holidays everyone!:)

Hehehehehehehehe xD
